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Where to Find Inspiration For Your New Website

close up shot of a woman's eye

Whether you’re building a new website from scratch or are looking to freshen up your existing site, you’ll need some inspiration to get the project underway. What do you want the site to look like? What kinds of colors should be incorporated? What should visitors feel when they check out the site? If you’re at a loss as you consider these questions, here are some places to seek out inspiration:

Other websites

Whether it’s a site relating to your industry or not, other well-designed pages can serve as great inspiration for your own design venture. It’s even more helpful if you can zero in on exactly which elements you find so appealing. Is it the color scheme? The content? The way the navigation bar is laid out? From there, you can incorporate some of these elements into your own project.

Your competitors’ sites

Don’t be afraid to look to your competition for inspiration. While you don’t want to duplicate their website in its entirety, it’s good to know what other companies in your field are doing. Additionally, if you find elements that you love (or hate!) on these sites, you can incorporate this information into the design process.

An advertisement

See an ad in a magazine that catches your eye? Notice a billboard as you’re driving to work? These are highly useful forms of inspiration. From font styles to color schemes and the mood the ads invoke, all of this can be emulated on your website.

An album cover

Your favorite artist puts out a new album and you love the album cover artwork. This can absolutely serve as a jumping off point for your own project, even if you’re essentially tone deaf.

Book covers

What kind of imagery does the picture bring to mind? Is it something cheerful? Serious? You can translate this to the design and photographs you select for your site.

Coming up with lists of adjectives that you’d like your site to embody is another useful way to make sure that the finished product matches what you had in mind. The more descriptive and specific you get, the better chance you have of winding up with a site that perfectly matches your goals.

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